Friday, September 30, 2005

Kids say the darn'dest things

In the spirit of trying to update more often, here's a quickie...

Things the kids say the most:

- Do you have a girlfriend?
- That is Mistah No-Hair (referring to a balding teacher walking by)
- Do you play sex?
- Ha-ow ah you? (In response me saying:"Hello, how are you?" A: "Ha-ow ah, you?")
- Why are American girls so tall? Do they eat a lot of Hamburgers?
- Do American girls have "Boin?" (Onomonopia for "boing" - supposedly the sound big boobs make when they bounce)
- Maikeru, sticker please. (I give you stickers in class for good performance. Now they hound me for them 24/7)
- Do you like to drink? Are you an alcoholer?
- What's your size? (as they point to my crotch)
- "Aium dis bigu (about 1/2 inch)" (is what they say, when I return the question and point at THEIR crotch).
- Do you know "HG?" (HG is a Japanese comedian that is dressed up as a leather daddy with short pants and a studded vest. He air-humps profusely. HG stands for "Hard Gay"). The question is always followed by a happliy humping student and his cheering companions.

Kids... gotta love 'em.

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