Friday, September 02, 2005

More Engrish...

This is at my favorite Ramen place in Tatsuno. I can't read the menu (it's all in Japanese, no pictures), so I have been pointing randomly and trying something new everytime I'm in there. The waitresses are kind and are humoring me so far, but I accidentally ordered some kind of raw beef as a side for my noodles the other night. Anyway, as I was finishing up these four sararimen (salarymen - office workers) came in and all sat down in a row. They dressed, looked, and even gestured all the same!

Oh yes. And more.

1 comment:

donaldomama said...

Boy you shoulda watched that anime I sent you. There's this episode where they ordered some food and one of the dishes they get is some thin slices of beef. They ate it by swishing it in boiling hot water which was also accompanied with rice (of course!) and a vegetable assortment. Keep it in mind. You might need it for Jeopardy one day.